Become a Member
Full Membership $785.00
Full Members are entitled to all privileges of membership and shall be entitled to play on all days except during the set times reserved by resolution of the committee.
Couples are registered for full membership for the price of $1481.00
Intermediate Members $480.00
Ages 18y - 35y
Intermediate members are entitled to all privileges of membership and shall be entitled to play on all days except during the set times reserved by resolution of the committee.
Senior Membership $620.00
Senior Members are Full Members who have attained the age of 70 years at the 1st of July of the membership year.
Country Membership 370.00
People outside the 25km radius from the clubhouse and is a full member of another club affiliated with the Golf Australia
Non Competition $440.00
Non Competition members can play all times other than competition times and only after 1pm on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
Junior $110.00
Any member under the age of 18 years with a golf link number and playing in competition.
Other Junior members are free, but need to register their membership with the club.
Social Members $30.00
Non playing members shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of the club except the golf course playing facilities.
Membership Application Process
Once you have decided which membership you desire:
1. Complete the application form below
2. Submit the application form in person or email to
3. Pay your membership fee to the club
4. Your membership is immediate subject to payment and ratification of the membership application at the monthly committee meeting.